Our Teachers

Ulviyya Mirzayeva
Doctor; Child development specialist (17 years of work experience)

Mirjana Madiqan (Xorvatiya)
M.SC, licensed Educational Psychologist

Tami Lenert (USA)
OTR/L, Licensed Occupational Therapist, Certified Attitude Based Intervention Consultant

Zuleyha Najafova
Doctor; Child development specialist (15 years of work experience)

Prof. Tobi Lonq (ABŞ)
PhD, PT, FAPTA, Professor, GU Certified in Early Intervention, Director, Center for Human and Child Development, Georgetown University

Nigar Alibayli
Specialist in child development, licensed specialist in the Tomatis method

Fidan Talışlı
A certified therapist in the Early Start Denver Model, specializing in post-baccalaureate ABA

Selen Gunduz (Turkey)
Speech therapist, child development specialist, Hacettepe University
Our teachers have been working with us for years. You can access our trainings in YouTube, there are various trainings you can watch there, in order to understand the concept of the sub topics better.